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BioPhorum Group Interview

General questions

       What is your name, organization name and position?

       Steve Jones, BioPhorum Operations Group, Director and Phorum Lead of Technology Roadmapping

       What does your organization do?

       Our mission is to create an environment where the global biopharmaceutical industry can collaborate and accelerate their rate of progress, for the benefit of all. We do this by bringing leaders together to create future visions that focus the industry’s energy on the key emerging opportunities’ mobilizing communities of the top experts around these opportunities up and down the biopharma value chain. We create partnerships that enable change and provide the quickest route to implementation and results. We also replace isolation with collaboration so that the industry shares, learns and builds the best solutions together. Ultimately BioPhorum helps by making the journey better, faster and cheaper.

       What do you use BioSolve Process for?

       The 1st edition of the BioPhorum Technology Roadmap was launched in July 2017, after over 2 years of hard work by 35 collaborating biopharmaceutical manufacturers and supply partners. A key part of that first edition was creation of a process economic model that allows users to model out what the processes of the future might look like, and how the vision presented in the Technology Roadmap could positively affect cost of goods. It also helps to identify key challenges in the unit operations that form part of biopharmaceutical manufacture so that industry can take informed decisions about where to focus and invest. Following the 1st edition launch, 10 key collaboration projects have been initiated to accelerate technology development in the biopharma industry, with objectives including continuous process operations, improved facility design, achieving real-time release testing, and automation. The Biosolve model created during the 1st edition roadmapping phase is being further developed by some of these project teams to help them identify the most impactful areas to work on, and clearly define the business case behind technology proposals.

       Why did you come to Biopharm Services?

       The BioSolve process tool is familiar to so many of the BioPhorum collaborators, making it a great tool to use in a collaboration environment. The expertise of the Biopharm Services team, and their willingness to engage in the open collaboration model used by BioPhorum, has meant that the modelling tools on offer have complemented the collaboration teams work.

      What do you like most about BioSolve Process from what you have seen so far?

       Our project teams like the ability to input ‘industry average’ process parameters into the tool so that they can get a good view of what is happening to process operations on a strategic level rather than looking at the detail of one single company example. The ability to run sensitivity analyses on the data produced means that our collaboration teams can model out the effects of different technology strategies on that industry process, allowing them to identify those strategies that will benefit the most.

About your organization and BioSolve Process

       So far, how BioSolve Process helped your activities?

       The Biosolve Process tools has assisted collaboration teams in defining the best technology strategies of the future.

       In what ways could BioSolve Process create more value for you in the future?

       Our members are now starting to look at facility builds, capital value and cost of quality – and are looking to process modelling to help deliver business case numbers for these factors to complement the cost of goods analyses that we already have.

       BioSolve Process is positioned as communication tool. From what you have seen so far, how did it benefit you to communicate with your members?

       Being able to make the Technology Roadmap model available at the same time as the 1st Edition document helped provide context to the narrative in the text. As many of the Roadmap readers and users are also Biosolve users, release of the Roadmap Model into the Biosolve library will enable our members a greater degree of ability to use the model to inform their own technology strategy decisions.

       What is the next project in pipeline?

       The 10 implementation projects are working through a range of different proposals to accelerate industry towards the vision presented in the roadmap, and a number of technology requirement specifications and white papers are expected to be published in the next 6-12 months.